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Jeep Talk Show

The Jeep Talk Show is about Jeeps by Jeep owners. Chuck, Wendy, Josh and Tony inform and entertain you about Jeeps, off road and the Jeep Lifestyle. New episode every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday! Publishing since 2010! Visit our site at

Nov 30, 2023

News story(s) Jeep History!

Gladiator Update; Motobilt Skid System featuring Bender!

Must have for your jeep; Jeep Sport All-Terrain!

Nov 29, 2023

On tonight’s episode we’ll be asking you…

Is there a trend in modern jeep vehicles that most concerns you?
How do you prepare for winter or cold weather wheeling?

Nov 28, 2023

News story(s) Jeep Hybrid 32k recall. Newbie Nuggets; Moonless Run! Fabrication Frenzy; If i gave you $1000 what would you buy for your Jeep? And Our must have STUFF for your Jeep! ½” 29mm to 38mm socket set!

Nov 27, 2023

Natalie has been a Jeep lady since her 16th birthday when she got her  first wrangler, a canary yellow TJ. She works with HighLift OffRoad in  Cincinnati, Ohio. She is part of the HighLift Expeditions Team and  Social Media.

Nov 24, 2023

Since our last conversation with Greg, we met him in Moab, his Gladiator  has undergone a full recontruction, and his business (Underground  Graphics) is driving a new Trail Guard product!  And, Greg just finished  his first Jeep Jamboree.