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Jeep Talk Show

The Jeep Talk Show is about Jeeps by Jeep owners. Chuck, Wendy, Josh and Tony inform and entertain you about Jeeps, off road and the Jeep Lifestyle. New episode every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday! Publishing since 2010! Visit our site at

Dec 27, 2019

Tammy talks about changes in her #Jeep Life. Bill talks about recovery gear in Wrangler Talk, and Josh explains how you can track down that circuit that causing a dead battery in your Jeep. New episode every Friday!

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Dec 20, 2019

Another CB radio giveaway! Top Five Mods for First Time Jeep Owners! Bill talks about rust in Wrangler Talk, Josh talks about harsh winter conditions on our older Jeeps in Tech Talk.

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Dec 13, 2019

Josh talks about putting rain gutters on your #jeep? Tammy brings us Jeep Life. Bill talks about castor angles in Wrangler Talk. Can you go topless this weekend? Find out from Bill in Jeep Weather.

Dec 6, 2019

The gang is all here, Josh talks about a hybrid Wrangler. Tammy talks about her Jeep Life. Bill is all about steering boxes, and Mitch is having a harder time finding where you can go topless in Jeep Weather. New episode every Friday!

Nov 29, 2019

As promised Tammy talks about her TransAmerica Trail month long trip. Jon is back with another concise Radio Comm Tech segment. Josh tells you how to adjust your headlights in Tech Talk. New episode every Friday!