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Jeep Talk Show

The Jeep Talk Show is about Jeeps by Jeep owners. Chuck, Wendy, Josh and Tony inform and entertain you about Jeeps, off road and the Jeep Lifestyle. New episode every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday! Publishing since 2010! Visit our site at

Jan 31, 2020

RIP Kobe Bryant, and Jeeper! Bill talks about spider gears, We interview Ferenc of and the top 5 reasons you need a @JeepTalkShow sticker on your #Jeep New episode every Friday!


Jan 26, 2020

Praise the Internet gods, Josh's Internet is back up! Getting ready for trail repairs in the snow, in Tech Talk. Bill talks O2 sensors in Wrangler Talk, We interview Greg with @undergroundgrfx and more!


Jan 24, 2020

We have a major show announcement.  Listen to this episode to learn more.




Jan 17, 2020

Jeep Momma wrenching therapy, Mitch topless at 7 degrees, Josh wet weather trail repairs kit and is Rugged radios wildly overpriced? New episode every Friday!


Jan 10, 2020

Wendy from Big Bear Lake California joins us as a guest host. Josh gets to the punch line in parasitic draw troubleshooting, Bill talks spark plugs, Tammy searches a junkyard, and more, always more!